Not knowing where your refund is can be stressful.

Here are a few quick tips to help you locate your refund. Mystic Emeralds Tax Service is not responsible for your refund. If you feel your refund is taking too long please contact the IRS by one of the means below. We are never contacted or notified about your refund. We are not able to contact the IRS for you. We only handle the processing of your tax return. Once it is in the hands of the IRS we are no longer involved in the process. All paper returns are mailed out with a tracking slip. If you need a copy of that tracking slip to prove delivery we will be happy to provide it. If you need someone here in the US to be able to contact or speak on your behalf here in the US you will need a Power of Attorney. Mystic Emeralds Tax Service does not provide this service.

WHERE IS MY REFUND? Halfway down the page is a blue box that says Check my Refund https://www.irs.gov/refunds

Contact the IRS about your case or refund:
